Pelvic floor rehabilitation

Pelvic floor rehabilitation is an approach to improving the strength and function of the muscles that support the bladder, urethra and other organs within the pelvis. These muscles called the pelvic floor muscles, stretch from the pubic bone to the tailbone, creating the “floor” of the pelvis.

Want to have a Quick Self Test?

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Self-Test:
1. Do you leak urine after an urge to rush to the toilet?
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2. Do you leak urine after strenuous activity or exercise?
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3. Do you have uncontrollable leakage of feaces?
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4. Do you have difficulty initiating urination?
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5. Do you have difficulty moving your bowels?
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6. Do you have difficulty releasing gas/flatus?
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7. Do you have feelings of incomplete emptying?
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8. Do you have pelvic pain or spasm?
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9. Do you ever get feelings of heaviness in the pelvic region?
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10. Do you have pain with sexual intercourse?
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